Answering the pleas of associates past and present, Stagedoor Manor Studios is creating a year-round opportunity for kids to engage in the educational excellence offered during the summer at the prestigious Stagedoor Manor Performing Arts Training Center.
At Stagedoor Studios, whether you are an actor, dancer, playwright, or have the passion for the technical aspects of theatre, we have got something for everyone. Immersing yourself in after school classes or for a fun weekend, you can explore all areas of performance and enjoy what you are most passionate about. Dive into the theatrical world guided by seasoned professionals who will inspire and motivate you.
Answering the pleas of associates past and present, Stagedoor Manor Studios is creating a year-round opportunity for kids to engage in the educational excellence offered during the summer at the prestigious Stagedoor Manor Performing Arts Training Center.
At Stagedoor Studios, whether you are an actor, dancer, playwright, or have the passion for the technical aspects of theatre, we have got something for everyone. Immersing yourself in after school classes or for a fun weekend, you can explore all areas of performance and enjoy what you are most passionate about. Dive into the theatrical world guided by seasoned professionals who will inspire and motivate you.

Choose your pricing plan
4 Connections Only
110$College ConnectionValid for 3 months- This Package includes Connections Only
- *ALL proceeds from program go to Stagedoor alumni
- 4 Connections per purchase
Advising and Audition Prep
530$This Course is 4 Classes that meet for 1 Hour- The Teacher and Student will Coordinate Schedules
- These are Virtual Classes
Audition Monologue Prep
464$This Course is 4 Classes that meet for 1 Hour- These are Virtual Classes
- The Teacher and Student will Coordinate Schedules
Audition Song Prep
464$This Course is 4 Classes that meet for 1 Hour- These are Virtual Classes
- The Teacher and Student will Coordinate Schedules
Audition Dance Prep
464$This Cours is 5 classes that meet for 1 Hour- These are virtual classes
- The Teacher and Student with Coordinate Schedules
Pre-Screen Choreography Prep
530$This Course is 3 Classes that will meet for 1 Hour- These are Virtual Classes
- The Teacher and Student will Coordinate Schedules